Working WITH the girl!

We are working together on this ADHD journey. Today, we tried white boarding! No, not waterboarding ha!

However, to be fruitful for one with ADHD symptoms, she must OWN her own schedule. So, she wrote it out.

Upon cleaning her desk, she was raring to go.

We also added this new supplement.

I’m hopeful each day for some new breakthroughs. I also aim to make each day fun and MEMORABLE. Her writing continues to prosper.

Mark is so proud of her as he guides her on her book-writing endeavor.

I love you Taties.

Feeling stuck? A Groundhog Day perspective

February 2, 2025: Groundhog Day

I have been somewhat “stuck” for a while now. Somedays, I feel like I’m living in a time loop that just keeps repeating. Maybe you relate? Mine is health related, and sometimes I don’t see an end to this “sick” feeling daily. Somedays? Better than others, but all in all, it’s not over…YET.

Well, there was a movie, Groundhog Day (1993) starring Bill Murray, which put a whole new perspective on the feeling of “repeat” day in day out.

The movie has Bill Murray experience a supernatural time loop which serves as a metaphor for how some of us experience and describe our lives: trapped in the same ol’ same ol’ day in and day out…

In the film, Phil resorts to human ways to cope with the meaninglessness. (drunkenness, lying, sexual encounters, attempts at suicide)

HOWEVER, Phil wakes up one day and decides to focus, instead on himself, OTHERS! First, he develops an appreciation for art and beauty through classical music, ice sculpting, and acts of service.

At first, his motives are selfish (he wants a woman to love him so he manipulates the situation). However, along the way, he is transformed into a genuinely good person.

ONE DAY, he wakes up and……The meaning of life has become apparent to him: FOCUS ON OTHERS and the world gets better. His days become colorful and vibrant. PURPOSE has been found in direct proportion of the value we place on others.

A Tale of Two Cities famous beginning: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” CAN ONE DAY BE THE BEST AND WORST at the same time? It’s all a matter of perspective.

The message is this:

Every day is a gift. How you view it, how you use it, is what shapes and determines your destiny.

Every day, no matter what monotonous tasks it contains, can be the best day of your life.

Find a PURPOSE GREATER THAN YOURSELF, and you will create a beautiful life worth living. 

This is my reminder every day when I’m feeling like a truck hit me as I lay in bed. I know it will pass, and I can find the beauty in the day. Thank you Jesus.

Owling with Kasey and Connie!

I am SOOOO grateful for my family.
When Tatum was born, I wanted her to bask in the joy of family, yet our family is quite small! I lost my dad before she was born, and my grandma passed the month after. My brother lives far away, and the rest of my family was pretty scattered in the northwest.

Fast forward to now! My dear cousin Kasey and my Aunt Connie have now relocated to AZ! I have always felt very close to my cousins and aunt as I feel akin to them in our personalities, faith, and interests. Now, Tatum will get to experience a closeness with them (I pray!)

Just the other morning, Kasey asked if Tatum would like to go birding in the morning. Now, Kasey is a well-renowned birder! She takes pics all over the world and has a plethora of experience..oh and an EYE for what to look for. So does my dear auntie! I was so happy Tatum would get to do this with them.

They spotted burrowing owls!

And Tatum got to keep a feather for her memories.

Later that night, she received a card from Connie. Connie took this pic in her backyard! Connie has the most artistic flair. I even think Connie wants to teach Tatum some art weekly! Stay tuned for that.

So grateful! I love you, Kas and Connie.


This 6th grade year has had its challenges. Witnessing Tatum’s ever-growing attention issues has been difficult. I often blame myself as I don’t break down tasks for her as well as I could.

I also know that if I was in my old tip-top shape, I could be more patient and helpful to her. Sometimes, I just need to assign her her work and then go lay down. This is not a win win at all.

Also, somehow, I expect her to be able to do many simple things for which I think should be no-brainers. For her? They are very challenging.

One such area is MATH. Saxon was ….stress….was a great program for learning skills and building upon them as a spiral curriculum. I found that this was one big FAIL as Tatum was responding less and less to the material. In fact, she’d FREEZE when given any number of problems to accomplish. I needed to find one more conducive to someone with ADHD symptoms.

I’m trying this CTC Math program. It’s colorful, has short lessons, and is paced at a level we can do.

She is way ahead of much of this, but I need her to get her confidence back!
The games are helping.

South Carolina on my mind…..

And then it became a reality.

GCU invited me to speak to a group of teachers in Columbia, SC. Since Covid, they haven’t offered me this kind of trip. How could I pass it up?
Honestly, I was not well enough to go. I know I have my good days, and I prayed they would land on the days of travel and speaking.

Now, getting ready for this trip is more work than when I am home. It’s like prepping for a sub, a nurse, a cook, and a dietician. But, my honey would be fine. And Tatum would hopefully follow suit and be responsible.

I left my “cheat sheets” for each of them PLUS I filled the freezer with meatballs, lemon bread/chocolate bread, and plenty of veggies and snacks.

OK 6am. Wednesday. I wake up ready for my flight. (Yah, sure..HA!) Hat day fo sho!

No problem getting there, thanks to my honey’s keen driving.

Plane! Thank you, I just want to sleeeeeeep.

My goal is just to function and make it to Columbia without any kerfuffles.

My honey gave me this card.

God gave me an opportunity to help this young girl. I love when HE does this! She didn’t speak English, and she had to find her connecting flight. I TRIED to speak Spanish and got her to her flight. (Thanks God)

ARRIVED! Got my schwanky rental; CHEVY MALIBU WOO! As we walked on by the Jags, Land Rov’s, Teslas… I figured I was just grateful to have wheels. Arriving to my hotel, I figured I better go get some food. Takeout is not an option for me, so thank GOD they had a Whole Foods. I stocked up on chicken breasts (cooked), broccoli/carrots, and coconut yogurt. This would hold me for the few days. (thanks to my in-room frig and the lobby microwave) …I was set.

The next day, I woke up and OOOOOOOH BOY. Not at all ok. I didn’t sleep a wink, and getting out of bed was not going to happen. I had to speak in only 7 hours, so I figured I could just sleep the whole day. (At that point I didn’t care if I sabotaged my sleep that night), I just wanted to function!

So that is what I did. (Sad face)

At 3, I showered and got all “perty” (so to speak), and PRAYED FOR HIS SPIRIT TO TAKE OVER!

This helped me feel better from my TOT:

Sent my honeys videos of me on my way.

I also realized I had been to this place before!
Thank you God!

I had the whole Boardroom to myself.

We waited for the crowd to arrive, and I got my slides up!

Two hours later, I DID IT! No, GOD DID IT! They loved it, and I was so grateful.

Now, it was time to head back and just get ready for my flight in the AM.

The next day, the WHOLE day, I flew flew flew. TURBULENCE and all.

Watched TWO documentaries: Crescendo and Comeback Kids. LOVE THESE!
My honey boos picked me up and this!

Coop ended his hunger strike.

And all was well. I AM SO GRATEFUL I GOT TO GO. Somehow, I made it. Thank you God for taking care of my family. Now, I continue to pray for more GOOD days. (functioning) HA!

Ollie-Boo on the wall! and more tales of Hay Homeschool

I walk by the cage every morning and talk to Rio. He is a joy!

” HI!”

” I love you!”

Now, he is starting to talk to Ollie when he is near. In fact, he rushes up and KISSES him with an “I love you!”

I KNOW!!!! cuteness overload !

SO Tatum asked me to draw the little boy.

He joined Ribi on the wall.

The drawing got my mind off “ME” for a while. I tell ya…I’m just taking it one day at a time. Sometimes, I just don’t know how I’ll make it. But GOD. And BUT, Tatum’s school. He gives me strength to teach her daily.

We just started ANIMAL FARM. I’m going through the freedoms of WE THE PEOPLE and the ways we take it for granted. Especially our freedom of speech and religion. I’m so grateful we live here in AMERICA and that TRUMP is back, Amen.

Ok, what will I draw next? Stay tuned.