Seeing Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night

At Mesa Arts Center!

We got there early and enjoyed the wind after months of triple digits.

It was a bit hard for her to understand, but the acting was remarkable, and it was fun to see with her!

I like at the end that the GIRL became the woman and loved a man and that everyone loved whom they were meant to love! (as a man/woman!)

Loving her habits!

It’s getting better!

Trying to get the Tot to keep track in her planner.

Today, she wrote her FIRST Schaffer paragraph! I used to teach this in my 7th and 8th grade classes. This is based off a new book we are reading. I wanted her to write a characterization paragraph and cite the book for examples. We are getting there!
TS, CD, CM, CM, CS. (topic sentence, concrete detail, commentary, commentary, concluding sentence).

She earned this little guy today: Milky!

OH and her new song!

I love you!

So proud of your efforts.

She writes songs, sentences, draws Mona Lisa, and writes stories!

For Coyote, she was to write a song that included all of these parameters:

Write out a NEW 8 note melody.

The melody must show examples of the 4 principles of art that we have discussed:

1. Contrast – it must have a combination of consonant (1,3,5,6,8)  and dissonant (2,4,7) notes.

2. Balance – there must be a mix of leaps and small steps in the melody.

3. Emphasis – Only one note should be the highest note in the melody.

4. Pattern – try using some repetition of notes and steps.

After you have written out the 8 note melody – add a second line above using only consonant notes.

She got to show off at class today, and Sean loved her melody!

They all played it!

She also had to come up with an INVERSION sentence which was created by Shakespeare.

It’s so fun learning!

Then she DREW the MONA LISA for History.


She also just wrote a story for Creative Writing. She had to remake a fairy tale. Isn’t this the BEST!?
The Three Billy Boys Rough?? (a modern version of the Three Billy Goats’ Gruff)

By Tatum Hay

On a clear sunny day in Philadelphia, Billy Mo a clever brown haired blue eyed five-year-old boy who likes to wear cartoon clothing and is a rebel, Billy Jo a blonde haired brown eyed nine-year-old boy who is starting to love wearing baggy clothes and is a dads boy, and Billy Bo a brown haired greyish eyed 15 year old boy who is a mamas boy, are three brothers fighting for the jungle gym at the park. Life was good till a new family moved in across the street.  Grunwald, a tall teenage, boy threatens to pound Billy Mo after he starts to walk to the park.  Now Billy Mo had two options either get pounded or throw Billy Jo under the bus.  Billy Mo was very clever and he sayed, “don’t pound me! My big brother Billy Jo will be here in a sec pound him instead. He has more flesh and will be a lot more fun to pound.”  Soon Billy Jo came along and said, “no, no, no, my big brother Billy Bo will be here very soon pound him instead.”  Soon Billy Bo comes along and threatens, “if you don’t hurt me or my brothers then I won’t tell your mom about this whole incident.” Thinking hard Grunwald agrees. And the three brothers and Grunwald played happily ever after. 

My little BOO! Her boo buns make her so ghouly! (girly!!…heehee)


Friendship saga continues…gifts!

After the whole sleep over fiasco and Tatum buying gifts for friend, the friend had not thanked Tatum

THEN, Sunday, we get a ring at the doorbell.

Friend brought over gifts in return.

She trusted God…You reap what you sow.

Heartbreak lessons and building resilience! HE IS THERE WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES!

Rudeness. Disrespect. Curt responses. Somber mood.

What is our knee jerk reaction to this as a parent? Punish! Respond in kind…Acutely! But, is there more to the story? You have to dig and that TAKES TIME.

Being Tatum’s mom has been a lesson in patience and understanding. To want to be in control and manage her behavior the way I would like it to be; the way I EXPECT it to be…well, this is the main challenge. Instead, I’m trying to understand the underlying issues behind the behavior (how “un”pretty it can be).

The beauty of Tatum is the SECOND she has an edge in her behavior, immediately she apologizes and feels awful. However, she is still trying to understand herself where it is coming from. HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE. Period.. She has hurt…she then lashes out (without even the cognizance of understanding).

Praise GOD she has me to process it out.

I remember I would come home from school with LOADS AND LOADS of heartbreak from my school day. I would be in a terrible mood (and I didn’t even really understand how to piece the WHY together). I had NO way to process it out. I would just be sad and maybe have a few “lashing outs” and then go to bed. It would PENT UP in my heart, and unhealthy behaviors ensued. I DIDN’T PROCESS IT AT THE TIME AND THAT JUST ADDED UP. Our brains have not developed and we don’t have the WISDOM to know how to emotionally process the daily disappointments and heartbreaks. AND if we don’t have Jesus, how can we learn to function in the world with all of the daily disappointments and heartbreaks ? WE THEN FORM INTO AN ANGRY, RESENTFUL person. EEK.

Tatum had her first sleepover at our home with her FAVORITE friend. Oh she couldn’t have been more excited, and Tatum wears her heart on her sleeve so this friend KNEW Tatum was overly jazzed. In fact, Tatum pursues this friend with passion. The friend might not AND DOES NOT respond in kind. Bedtime arrived, and the friend had had enough of Tatum and wanted to go home. She also didn’t feel very well. The friend went home. The next day, Tatum continued to pursue said friend and even brought her a load of goodies to help the friend feel better. (She never even thanked Tatum for the goodies)

The writing on the wall: The friend continues to back away and Tatum’s heart continues to break further and further. However, Tatum does not have the wisdom to maybe give friend space. Oh, watching this has made me realize how much she needs Jesus to be her BEST friend (who never leaves) and how much she needs to PROCESS this out with me! I went through ALL OF this as a kid. She also cried out since she doesn’t have siblings, and she is even more sad (it’s quite lonely). I related to her. I My brother was much older than me and my mom was not around. She has me and she has her daddy. She also has Jesus (which I didn’t have). The kids who have siblings don’t seem to be as “needy” in the friend department. (do they!?)

SWEET GIRL….Please know God is protecting you. He is saving the RIGHT friend for you! We are in TWO co-ops with amazing kids. You just wait. YOU KEEP BEING YOU and God will provide the RIGHT friends at the right time. PLEASE TRUST HIM.

I love you so much Tatum. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I am here for you and you WILL figure this out. God will protect you. TRUST HIM.