She’s growing

UP!!! Really she’s just becoming more animated, fun, and mature. It’s truly a sight to see.

When the morning started, Tatum found me on my chair reading my Bible, and she decided to join me. She plopped down next to me on the chair (a rocking chair fit for one mind you!) and pulled up my Bonhoeffer book onto her lap. (it’s about 600 pages so it’s about her size). She enjoyed some light reading with me.

Later…We got all gussied up for church. (She loves the one day she can look like a girl!)


And when we headed home, she was so excited for her soccer game. When we got there, she took off. Usually, she wants to kick with me, but today, she went right up to a couple of girls and without fear, said, “Wanna kick the ball with me?” They ignored her and played. Did it bother her? Nope. She went right up to another and just ran around kicking. I was so proud of her resolve. It went right off her back and down to the ground. Trooper. Brave girl. I love her spirit.

About 10 minutes before the game was over, she was spent. Done. Kapoot. She cuddled with me on the sidelines. Ok, so I didn’t fight it because she was truly done. I was assured this was normal and all the girls do this at this age. It’s a long bout! Plus it was 80 degrees! It’s January folks.

She ran upstairs when we got home, and she had a Bible book on her lap;  Reading it aloud.

She was looking for the “Old Testament.” I told her Paul  (who she was looking for since they read about his travels with Barnabas in the book of Acts) was in the New Testament. She just decided to read about Moses.

What a fun day with my girl. We made cookies, watched Winnie the Pooh, and told Hopsy and Mopsy stories.

I love you Tatum Isabella.