My future little cook and the big transition

IMG_4027She’s whisking up some concoction in her little lobster. I love this little seat! Anyway, she is now in transition into finger foods. This is difficult because now I don’t get to hold her as much! Before, I spent meal times spooning the baby food and holding her bottle. Now, she is moving into more independence and this means ….well, it means so much!

First, what the heck do I feed a one-year old? Before, I just went to the baby aisle and VOILA! All the meals are complete and idiot-proof. Plus, they were pure and preservative free. Now, I have to think and plan. So, what did I do? I perused multiple blogs, websites and AAPA to find what were her needs at this age. Then, I met with Mary and Marla at Temple Chai to see what this would look like at school so we were on the same page. Tatum is just learning to chew so this has not been the simplest of transitions. We have to peel each pea since she spits this part out anyway. Also, the various textures sometimes make her wince! (Ex..egg yolk, broccoli, apple)

We finally got it down to an approximate menu. She needs about 1000 cals/day, and this cannot be more than a 1/3 from milk. I won’t give juice, so she must now get adequate veggies, fruits, grains and protein.


One scrambled egg, 4-8oz milk, 1/2 banana or other fruit

or 1/2 cup oatmeal made with milk mixed with banana + 4 oz milk


Choices: graham cracker, cheerios, fruit cup, string cheese cubes, carrots/peas/beans mix + 4 oz milk, 1/2 whole wheat muffin (pick two but include a veggie or fruit) not too much sweet..


Diced chicken + veggies + 4 oz milk

Snack: See above (with 4oz milk)


Rice or pasta

chicken or ground turkey

veggies (edamame?)

I want to try quinoa with her too!

Her tendency is to want to drink only her baba with milk from her bottle. Forget the cup or anything else besides milk. I have to be persistent in trying other ideas like water and having this in a real cup.

In the meantime, I am enjoying introducing her to new foods. Her palate seems to be pretty diverse at this point 🙂