If I could keep you little?

Part of me is a bit sad.

Tatum is growing up. Just today, as she was getting her haircut, I saw her as a little girl; not the toddler that she is. This of course is a reason to celebrate, but there is a teeny part of me that likes to keep her little.
If I could keep you little, Tot, I’d continue to pick your clothes and do your bow. But, then I’d miss someday you experimenting on ways to do your hair your way!IMG_0597 IMG_0598 IMG_0599 IMG_0600 IMG_0601

If I could keep you little, I’d cuddle with you and hold you, but then I’d miss out on you loving on Bella so tenderly as you do.IMG_6799If I could keep you little, I would probably never want to change another diaper! This is one bonus of you getting bigger. Today, you wore your Dora pull-ups and used the potty through the day. You even ran to the throne in the rush to “make it” just in time!

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I love you little, Tot, and I won’t trade the daily joy I get from being with you.