Paying attention

One of the things I’m teaching Tot is to notice things around her. Also, when she is engaged in activity, focus! This Playdoh activity kept her focused and engaged for a solid hour.

IMG_0820This morning, we read our Bibles together in my bed for about thirty minutes. Awesome.


She focused and paid attention today in gymnastics to Taina, and she seemed to enjoy it immensely! Alton and Avery are wonderful classmates also. Taina said Tatum seems like an old soul.IMG_0823 IMG_0824 IMG_0828 IMG_0829

This concept also leads to LISTENING. Sometimes, she makes the choice not to listen. For example, today, she really wanted one of the Lysol wipes, and freely took it from under the sink and grabbed a few too many. As she was doing this, I repeatedly asked her not to do this and to put it back. So, she threw it. Ah…a moment of learning opportunity. I just stared at her and she knew that wasn’t nice. She did not listen and knew it. Immediately, she picked it up, put it back and apologized. BIG KISS! Awesome. Gosh, getting mad is normal, but how we react and carry out being mad is another thing. She may have wanted some wipes, but sometimes you don’t get what you want. Mad.. Instead, let’s stop, take a breath, and say, OK, maybe next time, Mommy. Practice!

I’m so proud of how she is responding to learning. Sure, she makes mistakes everyday, and so do I! Shoot, why would we need Jesus if we were perfect? But, her recovery time is so quick, and she is also quick to apologize and learn from it.

I’m paying attention, Tatum. I love you!