Play is good

I never understood the value of play until I had a child. Two quotes I have seen of late:

“Play is the work of the child.” – Maria Montessori

“Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein

OK, then let ‘er P. L. A. Y! Gosh, I even am getting to see the benies for myself. To see her imagination run wild and to let ME become a kid has just been rewarding beyond measure.

I let her run around and just discover what she wanted to play on.

Of course she must ride the rocking horse…

But wait, there’s a “pool!” Let’s take the baby in there. IMG_2778 IMG_2777Time for bed, little girl!

Wait, you have to go for a ride first (time in the bed lasted 2 seconds, poor child)

SQUIRREL!…. A train set!

And with all the commotion going on she headed to the magnet thingies whatever they are. They make cool shapes and formations, all magnetized. Who’da thunk!?IMG_2771 IMG_2770

All in a day of play. When she gets to play in different environments, home is fresh and new!