Exploding tummy

Scream!!! Lots of them on Tuesday. This all happened after our Nordstrom lunch. She blamed it on the raisins.

For some reason, both Tot and I were REALLY messy on Tuesday. She was not the only one with a bad tummy and very tired, but she had it worse than me.

“Mommy, my tummy is exploding.” That is what she kept telling me. Now, I wanted to laugh, but all I could do was rub her little back and comfort her. It reminded me of her baby years when EVERY DAY she had an “exploding” tummy. She wanted me to know that she did NOT have a tummy ache. No, it was gas (note the “explosion”) OH…OK, yes, I see.

Today, Wednesday, she woke up early with more complaints of explosions, but she still went to school. All I can do is hold her and let her know it will pass. It does pass, and then it “explodes.” She sure knows how to give me a word picture.

Love you, Tot.