What was that NOISE!? Oh, my goodness

It was my calf muscle! I was coming down from a step and I heard a horrific pop/snaaaap/crrrrraaackkkk (not necessarily in that order) noise. It felt like someone punched me in the back of the leg. Trying to stand up, I fell down because I could not put ANY weight on my leg. This is when I knew I had perhaps torn my calf muscle. The first thing that popped in my head was HOW WILL I TAKE CARE OF TATUM!? A big wake-up call of the dependence this little girl has on me. I can’t be out right now!

Tearfully, I immediately called my mother, and questioned what to do next. Of course, I had to get myself to a Dr. but WHO!? Healthnet did not help much, but I checked the list and started calling THE LIST. This was not at all fruitful. February 19th is not going to help me today. So, finally, I called the Arizona Sports Medicine Clinic. Yahoo! Tomorrow I shall hopefully have a diagnosis.

Apparently there are three grades of injuries. Grade 1 is just a strain. Grade 2 is a small tear, and Grade 3 is a full tear. I have no bruising, but I cannot walk or stand on my toes. So, now I wait….wait for some answers. In the meantime, I RICE and hope Tatum can be patient with me.