Cool Off Part 2

Day 1 now over;

It was a clear morning as we headed down to hunt for shells.


Stopping first at the Del to take some pics

The beauty and timelessness of the DEL. Doug always gives us so much appreciation for the foliage! I learn so much from him.

So pretty. Birds even are amazed

And then….

as we were down hunting, the fog rolled in

The Del started to disappear. We found each other, thankfully.

Looking for sand dollars, we learned to NOT PICK UP THE PURPLE ones as we were scolded by a 3rd grade teacher. They are still alive; you must save them.

We also came upon this amazing sand sculpture dedicated to some US Navymen who died in battle. Exquisite.

Finally, we headed back and found a grassy place to stretch. Tatum joined in. When in need, stretch, I say.


Now, it was time for a little brekkie and coffee since the stretch did not do much.

Now we are officially ready to beach it! But first, a phone call. HI MAMA!

Doug got us allllllll ready!

Go DOUGIE! (as Tot would say). He got us all set up.

Even Tot got a chair.  Doug, thank you for the Froggie!

The fog kept us pretty cold on Monday, so we did what we could.

Tatum definitely had it right playing in the sand. The water was too frigid to swim, so we played A LOT of frisbee and enjoyed hanging out and people watching. Tatum greeted everyone around us and made all feel welcome. Doug braved the frigid waves, and I did NOT. Sad face.

Same as the prior evening, we brushed, read, winded down, and got ready for day 3. We were exhausted! I think the best part was eating dinner outside and playing games (who am I, charades), all of us.