The Annual Labor Day Avoid the Crowd Coronado Trip

Another year in Coronado!

We have a strategy. Go against traffic.

My favorite poem of all time is “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. The last line is “I took the one (the road) less traveled by and that has made all the difference.” So, we take it to heart in everything. What is the crowd doing? GO the opposite direction. Alas…we are on our way to the beach as others are coming back. Brilliant.

Dougy (as Tot calls him) shows up early enough (heehee) and we (he) pack(s) up the car as we watch the spatial awareness genius occur.

Pictures before take off:

OK, now that that is over, when are we stopping to get coffee? First things first.

The minute we get in the car:

  1. Mommy, when are we going to be there?
  2. May I have a toy?

She was made aware that every 50 or so miles, a new “something” would be made available to her. That is code for NEW TOY TIME!

Mama packed her about 12 beanie babies, Doug bought a few goodies like a Paw Patrol set (winner!), and I brought a few Superhero figures and this magic coloring book. The CARS table helped immensely. Thanks, Dougy! We are getting better at this every single time.

Driving was just fine because we had plenty of podcasts since talk radio was …well, repeats since it was Labor Day. Not much juicy politicy stuff.

When is lunch? This came pretty quick, and shoot, I wouldn’t mind a Subway visit since it’s been since the LAST Coronado trip we went there…or some road trip.

Aha..we made it.

We all got our usuals since we all (well, Doug and me) are limited in our choices. Tot got some bracelet thing that was the size of her ankles. We tried it on her nose with little success.

Why did we do this? Because, in El Centro, CA, in the middle of not much, you make the best of a situation. Plus, we have ONE POINT FIVE HOURS till the WATER!!! We must press on.

We arrive in Coronado around 3:15 and head to the El Cordova. We loved staying there last year.

Upon dropping off our stuff, we literally changed in 10 seconds and walked/ran to the beach. Time is awastin’!


The usual happened. I run into the water with her and she runs away.

And she kept running. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.

She did stop for a quick pic:

and then…..back to running. OOF!

A little salt in the eyes and sand in the ears. That’ll stop the running!

We had to bribe her with a fish taco waiting for her at La Salsa to get her to walk away from the water. We knew that we had a whole extravaganza day planned tomorrow. So we head back, picked up dinner, relaxed and turned in early.

With little sleep despite efforts, we are ready to face the absence of any stress for the next day.

Stay tuned!………