I’m a fuddy duddy

Ok, so I think I’m getting officially old; perhaps it’s because I am a mother now, or perhaps it’s because I teach kids. Yesterday, the Super Bowl half time show was less than appealing. What has happened to our society? Why is it that entertainment these days has to push the sexual envelope?

I know that the Super Bowl has viewers who are KIDS. Do they need to see scantily clad woman gyrating their hips and (oh, were they singing? I don’t think people noticed that part.)

Dennis Prager talked about the degradation of the arts, and it’s not just in the movies. I worry about the values which are being communicated to our kids.

A repentant heart

For some reason, I’m struck by the Lance Armstrong story.

Lance has broken records in not only cycling but in beating odds overcoming cancer. He’s started a foundation to help others, inspiring them with his story. But, now he has decided to come clean. He’s decided to admit he has lied all these years and has been doping during all those seven years of winning.


So, why now? What are his motives? Is it our right to question his motives? Why do I even care?

What concerns me is the message he sends to the kids watching his career. However, lest we forget the beauty of confession? There is a need for confession and repentance for all of us and we know according to Romans, that we “have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We all know that when we ask for forgiveness with a truly repentant heart, it is freely given to us by the grace of God through the blood of Christ.”

I can sit here and question his motives, judge him for his immorality, doubt his heart, but really….it’s between him and God. If he truly has a deeply contrite heart, then he is forgiven. Whether we the people forgive him, is another story. Maybe the bigger issue is propping him up as a role model in the first place. As a parent, I must be careful on who I allow my child to worship. My hope is that she would love Jesus with all of her heart and follow Him as her example. Furthermore, I want to be her example in how I live my life.

Yes, I’m going to sin. However, and this is crucial…my sins, large or small, should grieve me enough to desire never to repeat them. I go to God regularly, willingly asking Him to examine my heart and “see if there is any offensive way in me” (Psalm 139:23). John Allan Lavendar said, “Before you pray for a change in circumstances, you should pray for a change in character.” Tatum will watch me and hopefully see MY heart.

As for Lance? God only knows if his confession is real. God only knows if he will repent and truly have a change of character.

I’m serving HIM in all I do.

“Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!”-Psalm 100:2

Attitude really is everything…and so is perspective. It was just this morning I cried out to my mother, “When does this get fun?…She’s so miserable and I can’t help her!”
It’s so easy to become myopic and just see my day as one big three hour routine. It’s another to soak in every second and see every second as a blessing (no matter how loud the screams sound)

When I change her diaper; when I clean up her milk stains; when I comfort her out of her stomach ailments (if possible); when I redirect Coti…all I do, I do unto Him. I’m serving HIM. This is my ministry right now. There is joy to come after all of the work.

Dearest Lord, Help Tatum’s system settle and help us find the right formula and/or combination with or without medicine. Help me to stay focused on You through this and to see the joy in the midst of the routine.


Isaiah 49:8

Today’s devotion from Charles Spurgeon for some reason really hit home.

Last night, I entered a dark place in my heart with some anxiety and fear. Sadly, for a momentary time, I had forgotten the incredible gift which God has bestowed upon me in Jesus. He is my perfect Savior who loves me no matter what. Spurgeon puts it best: “Our blessed Jesus, as God, is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. Will it not console you to know that all these great and glorious attributes are altogether yours? Has he power? That power is yours to support and strengthen you, to overcome your enemies, and to preserve you even to the end. Has he love? Well, there is not a drop of love in his heart which is not yours.”

For Tatum to know that her mom is secure in her faith and foundation is my wish. Moreover, for her to experience this infinite love in Jesus trumps all of my desires.

He sums it up: “My God, I am thine–what a comfort divine! What a blessing to know that the Saviour is mine! In the heavenly Lamb thrice happy I am, And my heart it doth dance at the sound of his name.”

Isaiah 49: 8: Thus says the Lord:”In a time of favor I have answered you;in a day of salvation I have helped you;I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people,to establish the land,to apportion the desolate heritages,


Jesus. Love, Justice…Mine. I have no

Wisdom in Time

Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge.

I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;

I have no good apart from you.”

As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones,

in whom is all my delight.

The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply;

their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out

or take their names on my lips.

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;

you hold my lot.

The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;

indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;

in the night also my heart instructs me.

I have put the Lord always before me;

because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;

my flesh also dwells secure.

For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,

or let your holy one see corruption.

You make known to me the path of life;

in your presence there is fullness of joy;

at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

–Psalm 16


I have read this verse over and over for the past 10 years. It becomes clear at times, and at others, it is like reading a mystery. Slowly, He is making known my path in life; for each day, I’m blessed by not only confusing struggles, but minor delights for which I can smile.
Last week, an opportunity of magnificent proportion dropped into my lap. Now, it may not come to fruition, however, I can see that God really listens. He has been silent in areas of my life for over a decade, but behind the scenes, He’s preparing a great feast for me as I continue to walk with Him. Yes, I’ve stumbled and been disobedient at times, but He never leaves me and is so very patient. (Like any good parent).


Thank you Father for being my REAL DAD who LOVES ME no matter what.